Saturday, July 16, 2011

How would diplomatic relations be with a self sufficient country that is independent of foreign resources?

Honestly, even if you were capable of superior production accross the board, there will always be an interest in trade between the nations. However, if your scenario is all make believe, you tell me what would happen. I can think of no scenario where corporate espionage, scientific theft etc would not happen. Individuals within the nation itself would turn (human nature.) Take a look at the United States, we are 50 years ahead of the Chinese, but that doesent mean a whole butt load of espionage is being conducted within this country. Also look at Baja California, 700 million people crowded in that peninsula would mean they would be living on top of eachother in closed spacing. Also, honestly if the United States wanted this nation gone, it would of been done. No nuclear shield works 100%.

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